Meet Jess Olivito

Jess Olivito shares her experiences (and involvement) with the Peace by Piece Mosaic Bible Study created by Dee Everson & Jenny Spontak, and how the program has transformed the lives of many women - including her own.

Jess Olivito met Dee Everson and Jenny Spontak in 2007 when she decided to come back to the church. With their love, help, and discipleship [through the Peace by Piece Mosaic Study], Jess received immense healing from a divorce and difficult second marriage.

Through the Peace by Piece Mosaic Bible Study, Jess found the journaling process to be incredible – allowing God to heal many areas of darkness in her life. After the study, Jess was a completely changed person! The journaling and fellowship with other women helped her face her fears, anxieties, and depression.

The mosaic plate she made (along with her journals) are powerful reminders of what God has done in her life. As a result, she’s facilitated several PBP mosaic studies in order to help more women like herself.

In 2013, she founded Sozo Creativity, a marketplace ministry that partners with Christian churches, community organizations and local businesses for creative purposes. “The Lord has provided us with incredible opportunities to reach others. With just a touch of creativity, we’re able to meet (and minister to) many, many people. By simply loving on the women we encounter, we’re then able to share the truth about God’s redemptive love.

In unity, Jess’ apostolic gifts allow her to meet with local leaders and ministries in order to improve the spiritual condition of our communities. In 2018, Jess was commissioned as a marketplace minister and continues to attract women into our programs. Jess also leads two other studies: Artist’s Way & Sozo Creativity – spiritual workshops aimed at freeing people’s creativity through connection to the Godhead.

Jess lives in Ottawa, IL with her husband and adult daughter.


Jessica Olivito

Dream Developer Jess Olivito is a passionate connector who thrives on social interaction. She's detail-oriented, excels under pressure and lives life with high integrity. Jess is a team-spirited creative who’s passionate about bringing authentic value to other people. She enjoys partnering with others who are intentional about making a genuine difference in the world.

Meet Jenny Spontak